The Magicium Series Heading

Welcome to tnbaldwin.com, home of The Magicium Series. This series has been nearly forty years in the making, so to finally take this step is beyond exciting for me. Hopefully, after reading the series you’ll feel the same way!

If I’m honest, this isn’t exactly the series I pictured myself writing. Over the years, I have had many ideas for novels but none have managed to stick.  Somehow, the combination of many literary influences led to the mash-up of fantasy, dystopian and science fiction with a dash of steampunk that forms the world of these novels.

Set in an indeterminate year in the future, The Magicium Series revolves around the fallout from the discovery of magicium: Chemical Element Zero, an element that exists in the blank space between atoms. This element is the source of all unusual or unique phenomena that occur on Earth, ranging from pink Lake Hillier to the Northern Lights.

Sadly, in typical human fashion, rather than using this amazing discovery for the common good – solving the energy crisis, ensuring equitable distribution of resources or effecting greater international cooperation, humanity chose to be frivolous. This was best summed up by the creation of Abominations, mythical creatures from different traditions around the globe, to be used as human playthings.

Ultimately, the Abominations rebelled against their slavery. Humanity was driven underground, the population decimated and most cities utterly destroyed. Abominations ruled land and sea. Most knowledge was lost in The War; most importantly, the secrets of using magicium.

It is against this bleak backdrop that our story begins.


And here’s your chance to look into my writing! I have written a novella set a couple of decades prior to the events in the novels about an unsettling character simply known as the Stonefish. And I am offering this novella for free!

So please, sign up and check out whether this series is for you. And feel free to contact me; I’m a real person who loves hearing what you think of my work!